Realbasic Serial Communication Tutorial

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Realbasic Serial Communication TutorialRealbasic Serial Communication Tutorial

My name is, and I am NOT a professional programmer. Writing my own programs is a hobby that I picked up when I couldn't find any decent (if at all) freeware or shareware for certain tasks for which I wanted to use a computer. I picked (formerly REALBasic) as my language of choice for several reaons, including its structure, its 'object-orientness', its capability to create executables for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux Platforms, and last but not least for its fairly large and helpful. Here I'm hosting open-source code that may be generally useful. Current open-source projects are listed in the table below.

As far as I'm aware, there is no interface library for Realbasic so I'll have to write my own (this I don't mind doing). I just have a few questions: 1. If I'm reading correctly, it looks like Firmata is a sketch that I can load onto the Arduino that will allow communication between the Arduino and the serial port on my. The serial protocol we’ll be discussing in this tutorial is the most common form of. Serial communication is designed to allow just two devices to communicate.

Simply click a project name to download the project archive. DISCLAIMER: ALL SOURCE CODE IS PUBLIC DOMAIN, AND PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. I have also created a number of small that you might be interested in. Visit my Forums Subscribe to my Feed Follow me on Twitter Visit my Blog Email me. Current Projects Project Name Version Description Complex Utilities v1.0 7/9/2006 A REALBasic class that implements support for complex numbers with Double precision. Standard operators are overloaded, and many other mathematical functions are implemented to work with complex numbers. Comes with a module with wrapping functions for convenience, as well as a test harness for quick verification.

DataPlot Classes v1.4.1 2/17/2017 A set of Xojo classes for plotting data, Y versus X. Useful for Math, Engineering, or other scientific disciplines. Includes a and several examples. NEW: Cross-platform Hi-DPI support.

SmoothTrace for DataPlot Classes 3/25/2015 A modified version of the Trace Class (part of DataPlotClasses) to demonstrate a way to draw smooth traces. NOTE: Lines styles other than solid as well as the TraceClick, MouseOverTrace, and MouseDownTrace events are not properly supported by this modified version. FFT Suite v1.0 FFT Suite is a REALBasic Module with a set of methods related to FFTs. Its FFT functions implement the Cooley-Tukey Algorithm for real and complex FFTs.

Also included are methods to generate various window functions. Requires Complex Utilities. The included example Project FFT Demo requires DataPlotClasses.

DigitalCircuitSim A real time graphical digital circuit simulator with a library of logic ICs. It also includes a fully functional timing simulator although no file I/O has been implemented for it yet. Circuits can be copied and pasted into the timing simulator (as text). Stimuli have to be edited as text.

Requires DataPlotClasses. If you have any additions or changes you would like to contribute to the community, please send them to or visit the and post them there. Demos and Examples Example Name Updated Description Tic Tac Toe A demo that implements the Algorithm with to play Tic Tac Toe. This example project demonstrates the use of the following REALBasic elements: • Recursive Methods • Control Cloning • User Interface Controls: BevelButton CountPixels 6/9/2009 A simple example that counts the colors in a picture and how many pixels of each color the picture contains. This example project demonstrates the use of the following REALBasic elements: • FolderItem • TextOutputStream • Canvas • Picture • Graphics • RGBSurface • User Interface Controls: EditField, ListBox REALife 1/5/2017 A REALBasic implementation of. This example project demonstrates the use of the following REALBasic elements: • Custom class • Canvas • Timer • User Interface Controls: PushButton, EditField, Slider • Support for Retina Macs Langton's Ant 5/7/2009 A REALBasic implementation of. This example project demonstrates the use of the following REALBasic elements: • Thread • Canvas • User Interface Controls: PushButton POP3 Socket Test 5/7/2009 A simple example using a POP3 Socket.

Installing Htmldoc Windows there. The IP address of a valid POP3 server as well as an account on that server is required to try the example. This example project demonstrates the use of the following REALBasic elements: • POP3 Socket • User Interface Controls: PushButton, EditField, PopupMenu SMTP Socket Test 5/7/2009 A simple 'Send Mail' application using an SMTP Socket. The IP address of a valid SMTP server as well as an account on that server is required to send e-mail. This example project demonstrates the use of the following REALBasic elements: • SMTP Socket • User Interface Controls: PushButton, EditField, BevelButton QuickMailer Demo 1/26/2010 A small demo application using an SMTP Socket to send e-mails with file attachments. Attachments can be added via drag-and-drop of files and folders onto a ListBox This example project demonstrates the use of the following REALBasic elements: • SMTP Socket • User Interface Controls: PushButton, EditField, ListBox (with context menus) ActiveX Example using MSComm 5/7/2009 A small and basic terminal application using MSComm instead of REALBasic's Serial control to demonstrate the use of ActiveX controls on Windows platforms. Nero Express 6 Free Download Windows 7 64 Bit. This example project demonstrates the use of the following REALBasic elements: • ActiveX Control • User Interface Controls: PushButton, EditField Serial Port Test 6/1/2011 Written by, this example project demonstrates virtually all aspects of the Serial Control.

This provides an excellent introduction to programming for Serial ports using REALBasic. This example project demonstrates the use of the following REALBasic elements: • Serial Control • Timer • User Interface Controls: PushButton, EditField, PopupMenu Posted 6/1/2011 with permission from. SerialComm 4/16/2015 A handy wrapper for the Windows Serial Port API, originally posted at which makes serial port communication via VBA without using MSComm really easy. Unfortunately, the original post seems to no longer exist, so I'm reposting the source code packed into a VBA module in an Excel file.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to or visit the and post them there.