Rhythm X Audition Packet Pdf Viewer

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Rhythm X Audition Packet Pdf Viewer

The should be treated as a request thread. Please post music as an attachment. It is preferred to post.pdf files of music, rather than image files. Last updated: by Particleplatypus Snare Music: DCI Academy: Bluecoats:, Blue Devils:,,, Blue Knights: Blue Stars: Boston Crusaders: Cadets:, Carolina Crown: Cavaliers: 1999-2005 removed at request of Brett Kuhn.

2010 - Full Battery Original Score (Special thanks to Mike McIntosh) - Removed by request. See the new edition of Green Beats at Tapspace.com if you didn't get the chance to get it. Colts: Crossmen: Glassmen: Impulse Jersey Surf Madison Scouts: Pacific Crest: Phantom Regiment:,,, Santa Clara Vanguard: Santa Clara Vanguard - C: Spirit:, Star of Indiana: Teal Sound: Troopers: Velvet Knights: WGI Ayala High School: Cadets Winter Percussion Chino High School: Chino Hills High School: Dartmouth High School: Eastside Fury: Freelancers: Gateway: George Mason University: Great Lakes Percussion: Matrix: Music City Mystique:, Palmetto Percussion: Pulse: Redline: Riverside Community College: Rhythm X: Shadow Indoor Percussion: United Percussion: Misc.

Tenor / Bass / Misc Music: DCI Bluecoats: Blue Devils: Blue Stars: Cadets: Carolina Crown: Cavaliers: 1999-2005 removed at request of Brett Kuhn. 2010 - Full Battery Original Score (Special thanks to Mike McIntosh) - Removed by request.

See the new edition of Green Beats at Tapspace.com if you didn't get the chance to get it. Crossmen: Glassmen: Phantom Regiment: Santa Clara Vanguard: Teal Sound: WGI Atlanta Quest: Chino High School: Freedom: Minnesota Brass: Music City Mystique: Pulse: Redline: Riverside Community College: Rhythm X.

ATTENTION ALL MARCHING PERCUSSIONISTS: you DON’T want to even THINK about going to any drum corps drumline audition until you see and read this “ “Who else want to go to their next drum corps drumline audition with full confidence, ZERO nerves, completely prepared and effortlessly be one of the FIRST get accepted into the group of dreams to rock stadiums and show Lots full of fans?” Yes! It is FINALLY revealed: the ENTIRE BEHIND-THE-SCENES SECRET BLUEPRINT from start-to-finish to prevent getting CUT while getting ACCEPTED at your drum corps drumline audition s and is now offering it to all marching percussionists! Discover the #1 secret tool World Champions use when they attend ANY drum corps drumline audition below. Hey Success-Minded Percussionist, Here’s a fact for you: Drum corps drumline auditions are more demanding than they have every been before. With all the advancements in playing, moving and performance, drum corps drumline auditions are getting EXTREMELY critical in who they select to be accepted into their groups. Unfortunately, with the increase in difficulty for every drum corps drumline audition everywhere, it’s getting more and more difficult for performers to get their lucky shot into these groups.

So here a couple of questions for you: Have you ever been CUT from drum corps drumline audition? Have you ever been nervous at a drum corps drumline audition that it affects your performance? Have you ever felt like you were CUT before you finished your entire drum corps drumline audition? Even WORSE already felt CUT before your drumline audition? Or been in a drumline but still CAN’T make the drum corps drumline of your dreams? Have you ever been in a stadium or in the lot and watched these amazing lines WISHING you could be in them? If you answered yes to ANY of those questions then maybe this question sounds like what YOU are really looking for: What if I told you that you could actually just head over to any drum corps drumline audition, pay your audition fee, confidently audition and effortlessly get accepted into the group of your dreams without a whole lot of nerves or doubt?

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Well if so (no-brainer), then you’re definitely going to want to check this out because I’m about to show you EXACTLY how to YOU can actually be in control of your next drum corps drumline audition and be one of the FIRST ones to get accepted: listen up for a second I mean I should know, My name is Anthony Huerta and a DCI World Champion Gold Medalist and WGI World Medalist. That’s me on the right there and I’ve been a part some of the most successful and competitive World Class Elite drumlines in this marching percussion activity. Since I’ve aged out, I have helped countless othesr achieve their dreams by getting accepted into drumlines all over the country. From Snare to Quads, Bass to Pit, I’ve made it my goal to help every marching percussionist finally get accepted after auditioning with these drumlines through my World Class systems, formulas and now E-Books. Now before I let you in on this special offer and show YOU EXACTLY how you’re going to get accepted at ANY drum corps drumline audition, I gotta be completely honest with you: See, before I could even get a call-back from any drum corps drumline audition, I struggled FOR YEARS Yup, In fact, here’s something really embarrassing: before I became DCI World Champion Gold Medalist, High Percussion Recipient and winner of countless awards, I STRUGGLED FOR YEARS to even get a chance to make it to Call-Backs from every drum corps drumline audition I attended. In fact, I’m going to be straight out with you: I’ve been cut from EVERY single drum corps drumline audition I’ve ever auditioned for at least ONCE! (wasn’t a good time for me my dude) Yeah you read that right, before I was a World Champion GOLD MEDALIST or any DCI World Class Percussion Titles, I was getting CUT from EVERY drum corps drumline audition I had attended ALMOST instantly!

See, I became involved through this whole activity I’m sure the same way you did: young, marching band and SOME knowledge of the activity. Mind you, way back then, dude, to put it lightly, I honestly sucked. I could hardly read music – I couldn’t even count triplets in time. The max I could play rudiments where super slow tempos – like 60-80 bpm and could not march and play in time for the life of me. You know, when I first went to a drum corps drumline audition, I was a kid with TINY knowledge of the marching activity whatsoever. I look back and think of the very first time I had a REAL drum corps drumline audition. To make matters, how do we say, more difficult, it was a top 6 DCI World Drum Corps drumline audition.

I was super young, around 15 or so. I had no experience, had never auditioned for ANYTHING and could barely turn on a metronome to ANY tempo.

Now, I didn’t come from a big school; just a tiny city in Southern California. Mind you, we didn’t win HUGE awards or a TOP 3 school every year, but I did have great instructiors that kept me motivated. My instructor at the time offered to take a couple of us up to northern California attend a drum corps drumline audition and see what everything was all about. At first, I was excited.

Flash forward to the next morning getting an entire packet of brand new exercises thrown in your face and expected to play ALL of them, marking time, with a metronome, by yourself in front of the entire staff and rest of people who were auditioning. I didn’t EXPECT ANYTHING they were asking me to do “And I Have A Confession: at one point of my drum corps drumline audition, I was even too scared to go up and drum when they asked everyone to rotate to play on the drums – I was too scared to play so stayed on the ground with my head down pecking on my pad!!”:smh: And i’m sure you all know what happened next: I was CUT instantly. Ever heard Insta-Kill from COD Black Ops? Well how about Insta- CUT from one of the top drumline auditions around.

I mean, I don’t know if you’ve ever been cut, but it definitely is such an awful feeling and you feel so down after. I really felt terrible! I was so confused and so lost on what I REALLY needed to work on. AFTER GETTING CUT, I was super frustrated and NEVER wanted to attend ANY drum corps drumline audition again. I literally wanted to toss my sticks and pad and just got focus on something else. Idk, maybe drumline wasn’t for me, maybe doing a sport was. And what made it worse was that I had to see that drumline FOR THE REST OF THAT SEASON WITHOUT ME IN IT.

Can you imagine? But despite the entire failure of the drum corps drumline audition, I learned one valuable note: I needed a new approach on HOW to audition. =) See, before I had attended a drum corps drumline audition, I had no systems, no formulas and no strategies on how to audition and what instructors were looking for. But after countless in the trenches drum corps drumline auditions, countless CUT letters and turn aways, I was finally becoming one of the FIRST to be accepted into these World Class Groups.

And NOBODY could believe it. From the guy who was a for sure Insta-Cut at every drumline audition to one of the top accepted into World Class drumlines. Like I said NOBODY believed me!

I mean, they literally ALL LAUGHED when I said I would go on to march with World Class drumlines and someday actually become a World Champion Gold Medalist UNTIL THEY SAW ME WIN THE GOLD ON THE FIELD FOR MY FINALS WORLD CHAMPIOSHIP!!! Take a look: here’s proof in this championship photo: Here’s me and my buddies right after we won CHAMPIONSHIPS Can you believe from Cuts to ACCEPTED and a Gold Medal?

Definitely such an honor and great feeling, but I knew that there were plenty others out there that shared the same passion and desire as me to be on that field during finals. I knew if I could help them out like YOU, they would be able to be one of those lucky few that would be accepted during their drum corps drumline audition s as well.

And now I want to help YOU get accepted into ANY drumline that you want to be a part of. And for one reason: your success matters to me. It honestly does because I’m making it my mission to help as many marching percussionists attend their next drum corps drumline audition and finally make the drumline or pit in the group of their dreams.

However, I got some bad news for you: today’s drum corps drumline audition s are completely against you and are pre-designed to cut you and CUT YOU FAST (bye!). See, today these drum corps auditions are super critical in who they need to accept and have in their groups to peform with them. But here are the reasons you’re actually CUT from your drum corps drumline audition before you even sign up and pay your registration: You don’t know the latest audition World Class techniques and strategiesyou don’t have a complete outline and plan of how to audition for acceptance. And if you don’t really KNOW what you’re capable ofyou are going to be one of the countless that are going to go all the way to your next drum corps drumline audition just to get cut on the spot.

But I AM here to tell you aren’t alone: And it’s not your fault you’re cut See just like me, if you had these latest drum corps drumline audition World Class techniques and strategies, a complete outline and plan of HOW to audition for acceptance, then YOU’d be accepted too! But: Did you know that you could have the best hands in the world, you simply CANNOT make a drumline if you don’t know HOW to actually audition and what the instructors are REALLY looking for??? Before I was fortunate enough to become a part of 2 of the most COMPETITIVE World Class Elite Drumlines, I was that young kid who was showing up to every drum corps drumline audition and getting cut – instantly! I mean, I totally struggled with drumline auditions or even making the 2 nd Call-Backs and it literally took me YEARS to FINALLY make the groups I did. If I only had a complete outline before I attended a drum corps drumline audition with the latest and most up to date audition techniques and strategies. I definitely learned the HARD WAY Turnaround after I stumbled upon the World Class strategies and techniques outlined in this exclusive drumline audition guide, I learned what the instructors were REALLY looking for when at a drum corps drumline audition.

Flash forward, adding those strategies and techniques to my drum corps drumline audition, I was one of the TOP accepted! Flash forward, I am now a DCI World Champion Gold Medalist, hold a Fred Sanford High Percussion title, and WGI World Medalist. ( Booyah!:) ) Today, I get to inspire others by using my World Class systems, formulas, strategies and techniques to help out tons of up and coming marching percussionists with their drum corps drumline audition just like you, get accepted into the groups of the their dreams, and perform for sold-out crowds. Do You Have A Drum Corps That You Want To Audition For? Well then you’re in an AWESOME position because I want to offer you something extremely special and valuable. It is HOW TO GET ACCEPTED at your next drum corps drumline audition.

And I know that unless you have a complete outline, and step-by-step blueprint of what to expect from a drum corps drumline audition, how to get accepted and what the instructors are LOOKING FOR at your next drum corps drumline audition, then you’re gonna end up in the first rounds of cuts like I did – frustrated, upset and discouraged not just from ONE drum corps drumline audition, but from every drum corps drumline audition after too. Why You STILL get CUT, even when YOU KNOW you have the best hands and chops This exclusive drum corps drumline audition guide is extremely easy to follow and you can instantly add the information you learn in this guide to your individual performance.

After the first couple of pages, you will immediately see a change in your mindset and performance that you can enhance towards your drum corps drumline audition. In Accepted: Your Guide to the Marching Percussion Audition, you’ll receive the latest, newest and most up to date information that will help you secure your spot as a first pick rather than a first cut! The info in this book is SERIOUSLY LIKE NOTHING you’ll see ANYWHERE else! Imagine this scenario: Just imagine you on the field, shako down, shoes polished, fit uniform, looking up at the stadium lights with your full corps, performing in front of stadiums of screaming fans??

I mean, really think about it, like I’m sure you have envisioned plenty of times before, how AWESOME would that be? With the informantion you discover from this guide, you’ll have no option but to dramatically increase every acceptance at any drum corps drumline audition! Before, I would only give this content away to my high paying private coaching students or World Class drumline peers, but I know that there are others just like YOU that absolutely need to march with the group of your dreams. Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve made it my MISSION to help out as many as marching percussionists like you and I make the groups of their dreams. With this guide I have a Mission and Statement that I want YOU to contribute to and be a part of. Operation Accepted: Mission and Statement I want to help 1,000 percussionists audition and make the groups of their dreams be providing the newest and latest content at their fingertips. Aiming to support the Art activity through musical awareness.By the start of the next 2012 Drum Corps season, I’m hoping that potential members will not only get accepted into the groups of their dreams but to also contribute their knowledge and performance to the growth of the marching percussion activity.

And I’ve kept the cost at the reach of every serious, motivated, marching percussionist that is even thinking about auditioning. I mean, this activity can be PLENTY costly and I know YOU value your money more than anyone else. See, the traditional philosophy was to throw yourself out there without any prior knowledge or experience and kinda make a mess out of yourself. Traditionally you went out there with your “knowledge” of drumming, technique, marching, and performance, but no knowledge of HOW to audition and WHAT the instructors were looking for. Sokkia Total Station Manual Training In Urdu.

Throw you out there so you could ‘Learn’ – go out and see for yourself.With all due respect, FORGET that traditional philosophy. I mean, now days, you’re looking at throwing down $100 bucks for some of the larger organization’s drum corps drumline audition fee, not accounting the $30 you pitched in on gas to get to the area and audition, $40 bucks to eat on the ride up and back, and $25 bucks you pitched in on the hotel. I mean easily you’d throw down at least $200 bucks and that’s to go ALL the way up, get CUT and not get any progress?!?! Yeah, I think you would like your hard earned $200+ investment to go A LOT farther than just a “ Thanks for auditioning but unfortunately we cannot offer you a spot ” letter – (no bueno =/ ) And for a fraction of that cost of a drum corps audition,:) I’m gonna offer you so much more: Accepted:Your Guide to the Marching Percussion Audition A 56 page audition manual ( value $39.95) FILLED with exclusive World Class techniques and strategies including: •. And so much more!! All of this means one thingYOU closer to your goal and freedom of finally marching with the group YOU deserve to be in to get recorded in the Lot and perform in front of stadiums full of fans. And check it out, friend, I’m in a position to do something for you that no other person can I’m going to give you the blueprint, complete outline and most up to date audition techniques and strategies to secure your spot at any drum corps drumline audition – competition proof – just like I have for countless others that have just marched in this past season.

You can also be part of our movement as we reach one step closer to our Operation Accepted: Mission and Statement of helping 1,000 members march with the groups of their dreams. Let’s face it, with drum corps audition fees rising, tour fees rising, housing fees rising and gas fees rising, it’s safe to say that you are DEFINITELY lookin to save some money right? Well don’t worry, you won’t pay a ridiculous price if you act now. You get everything for a special offer and small investment of only $19.95; less than $20 will get you DRAMATICALLY closer to securing your spot at your next audition. ALSO, If you order your exclusive copy today, you’ll also receive these valuable bonuses FREE Bonus #1 – MPA: Marching Percussion Assessement (Value $27): This is an awesome Pre-Audition assessment that really helps you DIAL yourself down before your drum corps drumline audition.

To be completely honest this is EXACTLY what I used to help me make up my mind of what and where to audition. I wish I would have done this SOONER because I was wasting tons of time and money on auditioning for groups that I didn’t know I really wasn’t meant for. The last thing that you want to do is be unsure of the exact group you want to audition for but more importantly know what YOU offer to these groups. Definitely a positive Pre-Audition mindset changer!!! Bonus #2 – Next Level Practice Manual (Value $47): The Next Level Practice Manual is meant for the SERIOUS performer!!!

THESE ARE THE ULTIMATE and premium practice manual. This entire practice manual has been carefully crafted and has a world class layout to help you stop pecking mindlessly and gain some SERIOUS results when you practice. I usually only offer these to my private coaching students (at $47 a half-hour) and are worth far more than that. If you order today, these are included for FREE!

When you order today you’ll get the Accepted eBook and Free Bonuses – Entire Package Valued At $113.95!!! But if you order TODAY, you won’ t pay $113.95. You won’t pay $100 bucks. Not even half of that at $50.00 which is still a great day.

You won’t even pay the original online value price of $39.95. If you TAKE action today and are SERIOUS about taking your skill to the next level and get ACCEPTED at your next drum corps drumline audition, you’ll only pay $29.95$19.95 Alright, I’m in and committed. I’m ready to up my game for my next drum corps drumline audition, dramatically boost my chances and get serious by and gotta order this drum corps drumline audition guide, where do I go to order? All you have to do is simply click the Buy Now button below and you will be taken to a secure page to order your copy of the NEW RELEASE – Accepted: Your Guide to the Marching Percussion Audition manual. Just a click away from boosting your towards the group of your dreams! Special Introductory Discount Offer!

Regular Price Package $39.95, Today Special $19.95 Don’t let this season’s auditions catch you off-guard!!! (don’t be THAT guy that everyone’s saying sucks.it still happens, sorry!) Go prepared, confident and ready to HANDLE your drum corps drumline audition with the complete outlined, official marching percussion audition guide. Best of all, you’ll get IMMEDIATE access to this drum corps drumline audition manual and there’s no wait for shipping! After your purchase, you’ll instantly be able to start adding these drum corps drumline audition strategies and techniques to take your performance to the next level.

Click the button below! Special Introductory Discount Offer! Regular Price Package $39.95, Today Special $19.95.

The most successful and elite marching percussionts in this drum corps activity know two things: 1. They constantly seek the newest and most up to date information in the marching percussion activity. And they take massive action and apply the information they get to their performance. I’m really looking forward to helping you ACE your audition and secure your spot ahead of everyone else at your audition. I know you’re an extremely hard worker and deserve to be part of these amazing organizations. Better to be prepared than to learn the hard way Look, you can always just go, “wing” your next drum corps drumline audition and take your chances without any tested and proven audition strategies and techniques like most CUTS do, (NOT recommended by any means.) But imagine if you had a complete blueprint and outline of the next coming drum corps drumline audition that you could instantly stand out ABOVE everyone else and be a FIRST pick at the drum corps drumline audition?

This opportunity is here for YOU! Think it was coincidence you landed here??? So go ahead, secure your spot today in the group of your dreams at your next drum corps drumline audition join our Operation Accepted: Mission and Statement to helping 1,000 members get accepted.

All you have to do is click the Add To Cart button anywhere on this page, and I’ll see you on the other side. Dedicated getting YOU Accepted, Anthony Huerta, DCI-WC HP, WGI-WM Author, Accepted: Your Guide to the Marching Percussion Audition P.S. 6 months from now you can be 6 months older, and WATCHING from the stands or Lot or you can take action and grab this drum corps drumline audition guide!

Free Gcse Revision Podcasts On Android there. – don’t take the long route of countless re-auditions, money and CUTS like I did. And why take the risk? If you’re really serious about marching this season, you’ll finally take action and get this drum corps drumline audition guide now. Don’t regret this chance! Look, this upcoming season you can actually be in the group you’ve dreamt about, or you can watch from the lot again.

Each drum corps drumline audition has been gone thouroughly studied, successfully completed and fully revealed in the marching percussion activity’s ONLY OFFICIAL audition guide. You are literally ONE click from taking your performance to the next level at your next drum corps drumline audition and that much closer to that stadium performing in front of everyone. Special Introductory Discount Offer! Regular Price Package $39.95, Today Special $19.95 Important purchase NOTE: To save you time on shipping and this highly valuable info in your hands as soon as possible, Accepted: Your Guide to the Marching Percussion Audition is a downloadable e-book.

We’ve gone green, no physical products will be shipped.:) After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the drum corps drumline audition e-book onto your computer. The drum corps drumline audition e-book format is an Adobe Acrobat PDF which can be viewed on a Mac or PC.